All exercise bikes, if properly assembled, should run longer without service than treadmills and ellipticals. But drive belts can start to squeak and Idler pulleys can break down or start to squeak also. Resistance motors are more common to fail than other electrical components. Usually, it's time to call for service when noises are heard and becoming constant. Prevent more damage by getting calling us for service soon after hear unusual noises. In the assembly of this type of equipment, it is good to oil assembly screws to aid in a tight assembly and to grease adjusting knobs to assure proper tightening & reduce damage of threads due to changing of adjustments for different users. Bikes with a chain drive should be checked for chain stretching and be replaced early to prevent having to replace sprockets due to excessive wear. A cleaning is good to do inside the covers when servicing to help detect other failures that may be occurring. Let us service your bike to extend its life and good service.